Scholars' Bowl Gears Up for Another Season of Trivia

by Lexie Beard, Jag Rag staff writer

Berry’s Scholars’ Bowl is starting up again this year. Ms. Badio and Mr. Potts are the sponsors for Berry's Scholars Bowl team and have been doing it for a long time as well. Ms. Badio, the sponsor of the eighth-grade team, has been sponsoring for over five years, and Mr. Potts, the sponsor of the seventh-grade team, has been sponsoring for ten years.

Students interested in joining the Scholars’ Bowl team have to go through a try-out process. “We sit down and get to know the students,” said Mr. Potts. “We do a try out where I sit down and have a little sheet of questions-” The sponsors ask the students questions from previous years to see what they can do.

“I would rather people buzz in and get most of the questions right than people who don’t buzz at all,” Mr. Potts added. Ms. Badio has the same approach in the sense that she wants people who try, rather than not do anything.

Practices are held every Monday and a match every Tuesday during the season. When practicing, team members answer questions from previous years, and put missed questions on a slide show. Mr. Potts said it is something new the seventh-grade team is trying. Ms. Badio says when her team members practice and miss a problem, they stop and look up the answer to study it.

During the matches, the sponsors read questions to the team and keep score. The questions can be about almost anything: music, sports, presidents, history, or pop culture.

Some topics that the team is having trouble with is U.S. presidents and history, Mr. Potts said.

Ms. Badio and Mrs. Potts are both confident that their teams will have successful seasons.


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