Berry Thespians Earn High Marks at State Festival

Members of the Berry theater department pose for a photo at this year's ThesFest.

By Mason W., Jag Rag staff writer

Drama, drama, and more drama! This year’s state thespian festival, commonly known as ThesFest, was filled with fun dramatical acts and turned out to be a big success for Berry, with many students receiving high ratings for their performances.

This year’s festival was held Saturday, Feb. 16 at Vestavia Hills High School. Forty acting troupes performed at the event, with eight of them being junior (middle school) troupes.

The following students received a superior rating on their monologue performance: Sydni T., Sadie G., Garner S., Ellen J., Adie C., and Caroline F. Caroline F., along with Kaycee L., also received a superior rating in the musical solo category.

Zoey H., Miriam G., and Cordelia F. received an excellent rating for their monologues. Cordelia F., along with Ameer E., also received a superior rating for her musical solo.

The the duet acting category, Adie C. and Sadie G., Miriam G. and Emily B., and Mia P. and Abigail L. received excellent ratings.

Josiah T. received a good rating for his monologue performance.

Finally, after the main performances were over, Kaycee L. (musical solo) and Adie C. (monologue) were chosen to perform in the showcase portion of the closing ceremony.

To prepare for their performances at the festival, Berry thespians participated in the Super Awesome Dramatical Hour of Fun and Cake at the school. This annual event gave students performing in the festival the chance to practice their routine in front of friends and family. Mrs. Rowe, the school’s drama teacher, described the event as “a great chance for [performers] to support each other, and to practice in front of an audience.”

The junior thespians also spent a Saturday prior to the festival performing in front of a panel of “guest judges.”

“I am very proud of all of the students,” Mrs. Rowe said of her drama students. “They spent many hours preparing, and it is scary and intimidating to stand up in front of strangers to be judged on one performance.” She added, “We brought home many top honors, but I would be just as proud regardless of any medals we received.”


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